A community for museum professionals.
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Past Webinars

Re-Thinking the Art Museum
Art museums, like other types of museums, address issues of equity, inclusion, representation, and shared authority. Confronting these challenges requires re-thinking art historical narratives, restructuring staff and work culture, and negotiating new terms of collaboration with both communities and living artists.

Success Stories: Improving DEAI Programs
MuseumExpert.org’s ambition is to find creative ways to address the obstacles we have identified that prevent museums from creating a Human Centered Workplace. This webinar will bring together presenters who will share successful strategies that will inspire positive change in other museums.

Community in the Workplace Barriers Survey: Results and Analyses
As we all work towards a more equitable museum community, it's important to explore what museum staff feel the perceived barriers to a human-centered workplace are. Join MuseumExpert.org Founder, Walter Staveloz as he leads a conversation with Anne W, Ackerson (AASLH/Anne W. Ackerson Consulting), Laura Lott (COO of the National Gallery of Art), and Micah Parzen (CEO of the Museum of Us). This panel will review and discuss the results of the April 2024 MuseumExpert.org Survey on Barriers to Equitable Museum Work survey.

Next Narratives: Inside/Outside
In this session, Joanne Jones-Rizzi, Meredith Sorin Horsford, and Brandie Macdonald--three contributors to Change Is Required: Preparing for the Post-Pandemic Museum—do a deep dive into the complexities of museum narratives. They share their perspectives on successes, missteps, and still vexing challenges.

Community in the Workplace Series: Sharing Our Human-Centered WorkplacePractices Will Uplift Us All
In this second step in our series, we have asked Micah Parzen, CEO of the Museum of Us (San Diego, California) to lead a webinar/workshop combo to share his recent work on the creation of a human-centered workplace. In the first part, he will share his vision and what he has learned through several recent workshops on this matter. In the second part, he will lead a conversation with participants based on his evaluation of the questions that matter as they emerged through these workshops.

Community in the Workplace Series with Wendy Wolff
The pandemic accelerated widespread change in the concept of work, the process of work, and the role of the workplace in social justice and equity, and has left many museums questioning their organizational structures, business models, and roles in communities. While museums rebuild, reorganize, and reconnect, employees are questioning their roles in influencing and implementing change within their museums and communities, and many are rethinking how to re-balance work and personal well-being.

Change is Required - Bearing Witness: Truth, Trust and Civic Engagement
Three contributors explore how, in this time of widespread anxiety, isolation, mis- and dis-information, and ‘culture war’ flareups, museums can maintain their reputations as trustworthy organizations and still address such timely and significant issues as climate change, systemic racism, political partisanship, and economic inequity.

Building Community in the Museum Workplace (And Why It's More Important Than Ever)
Join us for this free webinar that will examine how building community within museums can help staff members navigate a changing world of work and increase their museum’s capacity to serve its external communities. No matter your position, you will learn the true meaning of community and be inspired to look at your work in a whole new light. EVERYONE WELCOME

Change is Required, A Discussion
Change Is Required; Preparing for the Post-Pandemic Musuem, is a culmination of essays by leading museum professionals as the entire field begins to adapt and change to cultural and professional realignment over the last two years. Join three essay authors as they share their thoughts.