A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Kenny Wittwer
Position Type:
United States of America
Years in the field:
6 – 10 Years
Areas of Expertise
After-School Programs, Camp Programs, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion + Access, Education, Events, Explainer/guide, Guest/Visitor Services, Marketing & Communications, Operations, Outreach and Public Engagement, Project Management, Social Media, Other
I have a strong passion for creating unique immersive entertainment experiences, with a wide range of leadership experience in the escape room, haunted attraction, and museum industries. As a manager, I empower everyone on my team to unleash their creative genius. While looking for new opportunities, I aim to fuse my passions for entertainment, education, and social justice to create fun & meaningful experiences that are accessible to everyone.
-Senior Acting Manager for Terror Behind The Walls at Eastern State Penitentiary: supervised 10 managers, 10 assistant managers, and over 200 actors; oversaw acting auditions & interviews; developed & implemented actor training workshops; on-camera talent for press & promotional appearances
-General Manager for Escape The Room Philadelphia: directed all aspects of operation for 7 escape room experiences across two locations; supervised 6 Assistant Managers and 23 staff members; hiring & onboarding, staff training, payroll management, FOH & BOH customer support, sales analytics
Program Delivery
-Museum Educator at The Franklin Institute: facilitated hands-on science workshops for students in pre-K/12; counselor & administrator for Discovery Camp summer program & Camp-In overnight program; facilitated large-scale demos & shows for adult events and community festivals
-Developed & facilitated gender, sexuality, and cultural sensitivity training for Discovery Camp staff
-Facilitated gender inclusion training for Terror Behind The Walls staff
-Member of Social Justice Week Planning Committee, which created Drexel University's annual Social Justice Week of events, panels, discussions, etc.