A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Katrina Wioncek
Position Type:
United States of America
Years in the field:
6 – 10 Years
Areas of Expertise
Curatorial/Collections, Explainer/guide, Guest/Visitor Services, Marketing & Communications, Membership Programs, Rentals/Sales, Social Media
Proud graduate of Saginaw Valley State University and American University. Throughout my education, I have collaborated with several historical institutes such as the Castle Museum (Saginaw, MI), Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington (also known as the Capital Jewish Museum located in Washington, DC), the Smithsonian National American History Museum, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center (Terre Haute, IN). Through these great institutes I have gained experience in marketing, social media, exhibt developement, guest services, as a docent, cataloger, and collections manager. Currently, I am working as the Project Cataloger for the William Davidson Foundation Initiative for Entrepreneurship through the Henry Ford Museum.