A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Erin R McHugh
Full or Part-time
Position Type:
United States of America
Years in the field:
6 – 10 Years
Areas of Expertise
Administrative Support, After-School Programs, Curatorial/Collections, Development/Sponsorship/Institutional Advancement, Distance/Digital Learning, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion + Access, Education, Events, Exhibits development, Explainer/guide, Finance, Grants/Foundational Giving, Guest/Visitor Services, Intern Programs, Membership Programs, Operations, Outreach and Public Engagement, Partnerships, Project Management, Professional Development, Strategic Planning, Theaters, Volunteer Programs, Youth/Teen Programs, Other
I am a project coordinator and have worked on multi-faceted projects for arts and cultural organizations in the US and in the UK.
I use my organizational and communication skills to make sure all program milestones are reached on time and within budgetary constraints. A team player, I thrive in fast-paced, creative environments where I can collaborate with multiple stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. The last project I worked on was a complex capital and activities program for the Museum at the Royal College of Music: https://www.rcm.ac.uk/museum/about/lookingtothefuture/
I completed my Ph.D. in 2018 with a thesis entitled ‘The Vocality of the Dramatic Soprano Voice in Richard Strauss’s Salome and Elektra’. My research is interdisciplinary and explores the history of singing and opera through the lens of identity politics and gender theory. I am passionate about teaching and creating learning experiences for all audience types. As a trained opera singer, I'm a storyteller by nature and maintain a personal blog in addition to publishing content for more scholarly audiences.
I moved to Chicago after living in London for 9 years and am looking for my next challenge in this vibrant city!
Areas of Expertise:
Project Management
Financial Administration
Strategic Analysis
Team Leadership
Event Planning
Grants & Stewardship
Purchasing & Procurement
Document Management
Regulatory Compliance
Research Administration