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Expert Profile

Rajasree Das
Position Type:
New York
United States of America
Years in the field:
1 – 5 Years
Areas of Expertise
Administrative Support, Education, Exhibits development, Grants/Foundational Giving, Guest/Visitor Services, Outreach and Public Engagement, Security/Safety, Social Media, Theaters
After graduation from LaGuardia Community College, I am continuing my study at CUNY John Jay and my major is security management. I really want to secure American's life and want to gather more plans on it. My future goal is to work with Armies to help them by managing security. I believe in patience, connections, integrity, willpower, hard-working, self-confidence. My purpose is to figure out the field to succeed in life. The obstacle is my friend, and I always try to make a good relationship with it. I believe it will help me to reach my goal.