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Expert Profile

Patricia Barciela
Position Type:
A Coruña
Years in the field:
26+ Years
Areas of Expertise
After-School Programs, Camp Programs, Distance/Digital Learning, Docent Programs, Education, Events, Exhibits development, Explainer/guide, Guest/Visitor Services, Intern Programs, Outreach and Public Engagement, Partnerships, Project Management, Professional Development, Strategic Planning, Theaters, Youth/Teen Programs, Other
Patricia Barciela Durán has a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela. At the same time she was developing the research of her doctoral thesis, she started her professional life as a teacher. In April 1995, she joined the technical team of the Science Museums of A Coruña. Since 2000 he has been the Technical Director of the Domus, the interactive museum dedicated monographically to the human being. As a scientific communicator, she has coordinated many national (Museos Científicos, FECYT) and international (ECSITE, ASTC) projects at the Domus. She has participated in the design of projects that seek innovation in the scientific communication of museums, such as the Divulgatón, the open laboratory of the Domus or the maker@domus space, among others. As a professional in scientific museology, he has taken part in the renovation and management of more than half of the Domus' permanent exhibition area. He has also participated in the design, management and production of numerous temporary exhibitions and published more than a hundred articles. He has also designed and organized dozens of conferences, courses, events and educational workshops. As a researcher, she has published articles in international journals and participated in scientific congresses. She is part of the Referentes Galegas program of AMIT (Association of women researchers and technologists). She is specialized in topics related to non-formal scientific education and in the coordination of scientific communication projects. She usually collaborates with several media, among them the scientific popularization program Aquelando of the Galician Television and La Voz de Galicia.