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Expert Profile

Nick Martinez
Position Type:
New York
New York
United States of America
Years in the field:
11 – 15 Years
Areas of Expertise
Administrative Support, After-School Programs, Diversity, Docent Programs, Education, Explainer/guide, Grants/Foundational Giving, Intern Programs, Senior Leadership, Operations, Outreach and Public Engagement, Partnerships, Project Management, Professional Development, Strategic Planning, Volunteer Programs, Youth/Teen Programs
Nick (He, him, his) is an educator, producer, podcaster, activist, and social entrepreneur from New York with over a decade of experience working at the intersections of museum education, youth and workforce development, mentoring and science. He has an Undergraduate degree in Anthropology and a Masters in Public Administration with a focus on Non-Profit Management. His passion is to engage and support BIPOC to pursue careers in science and develop strategies for the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion in traditionally non-inclusive spaces.
He is currently Senior Manager of Youth Initiatives and manages Middle and High School programs, Internship experiences and Alumni engagement. He also leads recruitment, community-building and partnership efforts to increase diversity and promote equity and inclusivity across Youth Programs at the American Museum of Natural History.