A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Natalie Sutton
Position Type:
United States of America
Years in the field:
6 – 10 Years
Areas of Expertise
Administrative Support, After-School Programs, Distance/Digital Learning, Docent Programs, Education, Events, Explainer/guide, Guest/Visitor Services, Intern Programs, Marketing & Communications, Operations, Outreach and Public Engagement, Project Management, Professional Development, Strategic Planning, Volunteer Programs, Youth/Teen Programs
I believe my passion, experience, and leadership capabilities make me a strong candidate, and would welcome the opportunity to join your team.
Following are a few of the character traits I would bring to this position:
Inclusive communications: Communication is critical in accomplishing the mission of any organization. My career has always centered on both verbal and written communications. My experience includes developing a variety of programs, curriculum, newsletters, and databases to accomplish goals. Carrying out messages through training, programs, and one-to-one discussions are welcomed opportunities for me to convey key messages.
Leadership: My natural ability to take initiative has often led to opportunities normally given to more senior individuals. Working hard has been a cornerstone of my values. My recent role combined the responsibilities of 2 positions when I was hired. I am proud of my accomplishments while needing to balance overseeing volunteers and educational programming.
Operation excellence: Orchestrating programs often demand hands-on problem-solving. One recent example occurred when I created a volunteer teen program. Working with minor students required a complex logistical strategy to ensure safety and proactive communications with parents.
Passion: I have a lot of hope for the future. I want to make the world a better place. I want to make a difference!