A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile
Joseph A. Frumkin
Position Type:
United States of America
Years in the field:
1 – 5 Years
Areas of Expertise
After-School Programs, Distance/Digital Learning, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion + Access, Education, Exhibits development, Guest/Visitor Services, Intern Programs, Outreach and Public Engagement, Project Management, Research & Evaluation, Volunteer Programs, Youth/Teen Programs
Employment Experiences:
Trained, Managed, and mentored a diverse team of volunteers and Assistantships to assist in engaging our guests in hands on interpretive engagements focusing on aquatic ecosystems and conservation.
Constructed an immersive programmatic suite designed to engage public audiences in conservation research topics
Piloted and designed new Shedd Aquarium accessibility programs to reach broader audiences
Developed and implemented biological science lesson plans for small group tutoring and laboratory sessions within Chicago Public Schools and DePaul University.
Experience teaching undergraduate courses including General Biology, Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy, and Biology for Non-majors.
Continue to work to inspire, inform, and equip Chicagoland’s museum professionals to make their museum environments more welcoming and inclusive for LGBTQ staff and visitors as part of the Chicagoland Alliance of Museums with Pride (CAMP) collective.
Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite, Google Suite, HTML coding experience with Wordpress, understanding of Volunteer management software using Volgistics, experience using R Statistical software, experience with Adobe Creative Suite.