A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Holly Cordill
She, Her, Her’s
Position Type:
United States of America
Years in the field:
1 – 5 Years
Areas of Expertise
Administrative Support, Distance/Digital Learning, Docent Programs, Education, Explainer/guide, Guest/Visitor Services, Membership Programs, Rentals/Sales, Volunteer Programs
My areas of expertise include education, docent programs, sales, finance and administrative support. As an Education Coordinator, I have been in charge of planning school field trips. Along with planning tours, I prepare schedules and invoices. I am also responsible for billing and recording of payments. At board meetings, I report on the education program including type of tours, numbers of participants and revenue.
Another role I have filled is that of Gift Store Manager where I inventory, select, purchase and price merchandise. Working in the store gives me first hand experience with its operations.
In my administrative support role, I serve as a receptionist and guest services staff. I also respond to inquiries about our membership program and maintaining a membership database. I welcome the opportunity to discuss how I could contribute to your museum's mission. I am open to part-time and or limited term opportunities.