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Expert Profile

Elizabeth Jablonski
Position Type:
Years in the field:
20 – 25 Years
Areas of Expertise
Curatorial/Collections, Exhibits development, Professional Development, Other
Collections can easily fall into disrepair because of improper storage, display, handling and neglect. This results in loss of value to the communities they serve. This can erode the built-in trust that we take for granted in our museums and galleries.
Planning for useful and economic “behind the scenes” collections care and conservation is best incorporated early in the process for new facilities. (Re)organization of existing collections breathes new life into their stories.
I provide practical solutions, grounded in 20+ years of experience in “back-of-house” operations, from small historic house museums and regional collections to world-class museums and galleries in the US and Canada. With a collections facility survey I can demystify collections care and provide actionable recommendations. I also consult on new-builds, providing layout, furniture and equipment guidelines for optimum workflow and care of the collection.
I was raised in the Baltimore/DC area and earned my Masters of Art Conservation from Queen’s University, Ontario. I have worked in a range of collections including: The Menil Collection, Houston, TX; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Art Gallery of Ontario; and, Parks Canada.