A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Claudia Ocello
Position Type:
New Jersey
United States of America
Years in the field:
26+ Years
Areas of Expertise
After-School Programs, Camp Programs, Curatorial/Collections, Distance/Digital Learning, Docent Programs, Education, Exhibits development, Explainer/guide, Guest/Visitor Services, Outreach and Public Engagement, Partnerships, Project Management, Professional Development, Research & Evaluation, Youth/Teen Programs, Other
Museum Partners Consulting, LLC, (MPC) offers creative solutions for museums in the areas of exhibition research and development, education programs, issues of accessibility, and evaluation projects.
Led by a museum professional with over 30 years’ experience, MPC believes in working collaboratively in partnership with clients. MPC takes an audience-centered approach to exhibitions, education programs, access, and evaluation, while empowering museum staff to assume ownership of the project once it is complete.
MPC’s clients include art museums, history organizations and museums, historical societies, public parks and gardens, and public libraries.
Visit www.museumpartnersconsulting.com for samples of work and statements from clients.