A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Melanie Vartabedian
Position Type:
United States of America
Years in the field:
20 – 25 Years
Areas of Expertise
After-School Programs, Camp Programs, Education, Explainer/guide, Guest/Visitor Services, Operations, Outreach and Public Engagement, Project Management, Volunteer Programs, Youth/Teen Programs
I never expected to find myself working in museums. It was never a career path I imagined for myself, or even knew existed. Stumbling into a part-time job as an educator during my undergraduate years opened my eyes to a completely unique opportunity - to take away all the pressure of exams and papers and simply allow students to discover the world around them and find their own passion and respect.
My professional experience extends to 20 years of working with children and young adults from diverse backgrounds and experiences. I have taught in and out of classrooms, including as director for an overseas summer camp program. I have helped manage teams of up to 60 staff, through interviewing, training, coaching, and staff development. My diverse experience as a museum professional allows me to easily adapt to new settings and opportunities.