A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Katherine Warfield
she / her / hers
Position Type:
Kansas City
United States of America
Years in the field:
11 – 15 Years
Areas of Expertise
Curatorial/Collections, Docent Programs, Exhibits development, Intern Programs, Outreach and Public Engagement, Project Management, Volunteer Programs
I bring proven leadership skills, extensive collections management experience, and fresh, creative, inclusive curatorial perspectives to museum teams.
First, my knowledge and experience in curatorial practice and collections management started with excellent academic training and has been systematically extended through my work as a historian and museum professional of Kansas City. This experience enables me to provide stewardship for collections. I am confident in my ability to develop exhibits, maintain accessibility, and create compelling content around historic collections in new and exciting ways that will engage a modern audience. I have worked with the history of Kansas City for several years and am excited to bring my skills and expertise to a new level of museum management.
Second, my graduate degree and certification in History and Museum Studies gave me a firm understanding of museology and collections management. I have worked in museums large and small, in a variety of roles including collections, education, interpretation, research, and as the Site Administrator of a National Historic Landmark, giving me proven leadership and managerial skills.
Finally, I am a historian with a commitment to making historic collections accessible and manageable. I have experience in all aspects of collections curatorship and exhibitions development, and the specialized knowledge, especially in historic clothing and textiles, to manage and maintain a collection of artifacts and make content accessable through various outlets. I am interested in bringing stories of those previously underserved in historic retellings to the forefront. I have the experience, education, and curated knowledge to make historic collections exhibitable, accessible, and digestible for modern scholarship and preservation, and enjoyment.