A community for museum professionals.
Expert Profile

Full or Part-time
Position Type:
New York
United States of America
Years in the field:
11 – 15 Years
Areas of Expertise
Distance/Digital Learning, Docent Programs, Education, Events, Information/Technology/Digital, Marketing & Communications, Outreach and Public Engagement, Project Management, Professional Development, Youth/Teen Programs, Other
I am a professional with a solid background in creating high-quality digital educational products and content, as well as public programs, for museums and cultural institutions. My education includes a Master in Knowledge and Information Society (with a Master's thesis about transmedia storytelling and social media as educational tools in museums) and a Bachelor in Graphic Design.
As a Media Producer at the American Museum of Natural History, I created instructional and educational content and digital products. I worked with a multidisciplinary team (often in cross-departmental and cross-institutional efforts), creating accessible and inclusive educational content for diverse audiences, including online courses, videos, articles, interactives, games, exhibition handouts, and even a textbook. I managed grant-based projects of all sizes, making sure they were delivered on time and within budget. Teaming up with other departments, we created blended courses that were offered in an in-person manner and were then translated to the online environment. I was also in charge of developing online exhibitions, translating physical exhibitions to a web format, and generating new ways of navigating the content and objects.
Previously, as a freelance Public Programs Curator, I ideated and organized innovative public programs for the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona. The events included concerts, talks, and workshops that attracted a range of 500 to 2000 people per show. As an Audio-visual Coordinator at Anella Cultural, I participated in the creation of art installations and innovative multi-site cultural programs. In one event, Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson performed a poetry reading (between Barcelona and California), an event that was broadcasted to four other cultural institutions.
I am passionate about empowering society through arts and culture.